Thursday, January 9, 2014

Resolution of the Week: Procrastination

As this cold Arctic Blast recedes and I am finally recovering from my own cold, I find myself ready to cross off the dozens of things on my to do list. I've been hard at work in my studio these last few months getting ready for my NYFW show in February (details to come) and with only a few weeks left, I'm seeing the semblance of a life I had resumed over the holidays dwindle away. Working for myself has it's advantages, but when I don't have any looming deadlines, I'm not quite sure how to stay focused.

What I HAVEN'T DONE: I have several new clothing pieces started, but nothing finished. I've started graphics for my new brand name, Rox + Royalty, but haven't finished the website so I haven't announced it yet. I still need to book travel to NYC and make arrangements with all my friends there. I need to write a Press Release and figure out who to send it to. I need to get a kick starter project started to help me progress my collection this year. I owe thank you cards for Christmas, which if I get to them, they will be the cards I bought to send to my HighBall helpers. Oh, and I started a blog after HighBall with my behind the scenes photos, which is actually finished, but I just haven't posted it because I wanted it to be perfect and have all photos. I still need to order more fabric and supplies online because JoAnn's just doesn't do the trick anymore, although my credit card statement says otherwise. I need to learn how to use Twitter in the sense of understanding what the heck @ and # mean, other than when I get mad and everything goes to @#$! I started a tumblr page, but nobody knows it. I need to get back in shape because all the weight I lost before HighBall came back with the Holidays. I haven't been on a plane for two months when two weeks used to be my dry spell. I refuse to play any games on my iphone other than solitare because I don't need an addiction to something like Candy Crush or Words with Friends. I don't really read Facebook anymore, so if you actually posted something "important" I'm likely to miss it because it takes 2 hours to get through a days worth of random crap that people post. Yesterday I resolved to watch one YouTube video a day about sewing, so maybe I can learn enough without needing to take a class...I have 7 minutes left today to keep that resolution, so my guess is it's going to fail. So I guess my immediate New Years Resolution should be to quit procrastinating. Having extra time on my hands these days is leading me to it.

What I HAVE DONE: I did get quite a bit done around the house this winter. We now have a guest room and 1/2 a garage to park in after our basement finishing this spring to give me a studio and Steve a theater room. I actually decorated for Christmas.  I've had time to catch up with friends, family and my husband more than I ever had before. I learned to shop more at Trader Joes, even if it's 20 miles away. I do the dishes and make dinner as much as possible before Steve gets home. I make the bed some days if the cat isn't cuddled up in the blankets. I started drinking coffee thanks to Keurig and a lot of wine. I've watched so much daytime TV these last 6 months that shows like The Price is Right, Dr. Phil and Ellen no longer have a nostalgic feel, but I do love me some Kathie Lee and Hoda at 10am. The early afternoon work hours have been spent watching Full House and Fresh Prince. I did spend 3 days this past weekend in bed, only because I was too sick to do anything other than watch 3 seasons of Shameless. It took two days to recover from the fact that I have to wait until Sunday for the next new Episode. I watched all six seasons of Breaking Bad just before HighBall madness. With 3 days in bed sick, I also read every interesting article on Yahoo or Facebook. One of them just so happens to be my motivator for writing this blog...which by the way, was something on my list of things to cross off.

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