Saturday, May 24, 2008

Queen Alexandria Reigns New Mexico

I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. Ohio weather is actually coming through for us this year! I have so much work to do on Modern Material before I get started on a freelance project for Crabtree & Evelyn for the next few weeks. Steve and I moved our computers out to the patio so we can enjoy the crystal clear weather and watch the neighborhood garage sale bring lots of traffic to our quiet circle. So I probably look like the biggest dork with my 24" iMac desktop computer sitting on the patio table. But hey, it's much better sitting out here listening to Cake with the cool spring breeze as summertime approaches.

Speaking of Cake, I just checked out pictures from Cutie Pie Boutique, in Albuquerque, NM, who has been carrying Modern Material in their shop via Hey Pretty Cupcake, another cool boutique carrying my line. Here are some photos from some rockin girls in New Mexico.


Gabbie at Cutie Pie Boutique
Gabbie at Cutie Pie Boutique

Cutie Pie Boutique photo


Betty, owner of Cutie Pie Boutique knows how to look like a Rock Star wearing the Alexandria necklace.

cutie pie boutique, albuquerque, NM
Interior of Cutie Pie Boutique, Albuquerque, NM

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